Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Court Ststem And It free essay sample

The Court Ststem, And It # 8217 ; s Capability To Put Innocent People Into Jail Or To Death As Seen In The Book A Tale Of Two Cities Essay, Research Paper English Paper Subject: The tribunal system, and it # 8217 ; s capableness to set guiltless people into gaol or to decease. James Laurie There are many illustrations in the book A Tale of Two Cities of errors made by the legal system. The legal system has the capableness to penalize guiltless work forces, and to put free or even honor a guilty 1. Though it normally makes a merely determination, the legal system can sometimes mistake. Throughout the novel A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, Charles Darnay, a character in the book, was put to test many times. He was put to test in France because of his baronial lineage, over which he had no control. Because he had left France to acquire away from his household # 8217 ; s past he was persecuted and prosecuted when he tried to return to assist one of his household # 8217 ; s loyal and guiltless retainers, Gabelle. We will write a custom essay sample on The Court Ststem And It or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though he had non committed any existent offense, he was sentenced to decease because he had left France. This is an illustration of the tribunal # 8217 ; s capableness to penalize guiltless work forces. The legal system is made to protect the inexperienced person and to penalize the guilty, but during the Gallic revolution it was hard to do a differentiation between the two. The general population, described in the book as # 8220 ; bluish flies # 8221 ; wanted to see the Lords against whom they had struggled for so long, dice. They were hungry for slaughter, and the tribunals were happy to obli Ge. Charles Darnay was sentenced to decease non because he had left France, or committed lese majesty by bewraying it in any manner, but because his household was so despised by the populace. He had done no existent incorrect, but because of the offenses of his male parent and uncle he was jailed and scheduled to be killed. The Torahs must non be made randomly or else people will be punished below the belt. All that the legal system does is uphold the jurisprudence, but if the jurisprudence is unjust so the opinion of the tribunals will be unjust. The Torahs besides must be clear and specific, otherwise the inexperienced person can be punished for non cognizing the jurisprudence, or go againsting a jurisprudence that they did non understand, and the prosecution can pull strings the jurisprudence until it is in their favour. The legal system besides had the capableness to penalize guiltless work forces when given false information. During the first test of Darnay, in which he was accused of being a undercover agent, Barsad and Cly gave false grounds to the tribunal, and had this non been discovered it is really likely that Darnay would hold been convicted of this offense, and he likely would hold faced the decease punishment. This could go on in any legal system. The tribunal system, though it has the capableness to penalize the inexperienced person and put free or even honor the guilty, is a good and necessary system. Without it, there would be no manner to continue the rights for the common adult male, and there would be no manner to reasonably find whether or non a adult male is guilty or guiltless. There would besides be no manner to reasonably find and administrate penalty.

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