Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Lan Base Entrance Examination System Essay Example for Free
Lan Base Entrance Examination System Essay Long b books were known, the narrator of numerous grounds including our own, advised stories so as to engage their audience members, just as, to pass on the ethical exercises which these accounts normally give. Over the span of time, these accounts were passed on from age to age and worn smooth by times of telling and retelling. Stories were commonly custom-made to answer data, become outlet for political as well as social analysis, and now and again basically engage. Numerous narrator procured that particular style and extraordinary from which among them all around cherished and profoundly refreshing characteristics. Yet, as time cruised by, the utilization of customary interactive media, for example, slides, recordings, filmstrips, sound account and overhead projectors cleared path in overhauling the narrating procedures to assist perusers with seeing all the more unmistakably what the creators need to pass on. The utilization of these conventional sight and sound opened entryways for new revelations, disclosures that he will help the understudies improved their learning abilities through the educating learning handled. Along these lines, with the strategy for educating to be powerful should be enhanced by different techniques or gadgets that will increment and improved quality guidance. Be that as it may, time changes the patterns in each generation.†The way in to this progressive headway is, obviously, the PC. A blend of electronic memory with programs that advise the machine how to process the put away information, PCs were as yet a logical interest in mid 1950’s PC, as an instrument and as a piece of instructing and learning process, has been a significant forward leap in the instructive framework. In our advanced manner circumstance, a great deal of stories are being transferred to understudies particularly those in the rudimentary level in types of motion pictures, books and papers. What appears to be striking was that albeit most motion pictures featured†hitech†innovative headways, many come up short on a significant part of the narrating, the granting exercise. As an outcome, youngsters part a film or story dependent on what they saw or heard yet not the exercise of the story, which is the more significant part of narrating. Most exceedingly terrible, most sensationalist newspapers being sold, which straightforwardly contain obscene pictures and sexual stories, are inside the compass of these children. The specialists accept that single direction limiting, if not disposing of this circumstance, was making by intuitive narrator framework, which can be utilized by grade school teachers as a device for narrating. Despite the fact that the degree of ubiquity of a PC supported guidance (CAI) in different aptitudes, for example, readings , may fluctuate. Hardly any will question the realities that PCs have won a perpetual spot in many study halls. The most widely recognized worries of instructors presently have to do with the propriety of numerous conceivable job PCs can play in guidance. The accentuation in any case, ought not be on PC to build the accomplishment but instead on how the instructor utilizes PCs definitively in guidance.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Learning Principles in Video Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Learning Principles in Video Games - Essay Example By and by the â€Å"Play-station†has altered gaming as it is fun, in vogue, now and again brutal and at most occasions savvy and fuels interest. It claims to all age bunches since it incorporates sped, exactness with a filmic creation esteems and foundation. Game Chosen †â€Å"Democracy†: Majority rules system is an exceptionally instructive game. It highlighted as the best Sim Game of the Year in 2005. It is identified with governmental issues where the player ends up as the President or the Prime Minister of a nation. â€Å"Democracy†, lets you discover how you would admission as a pioneer of a created nation, for example, The United States of America, France, Germany or Canada. The game permits you to assume responsibility and deal with your country’s accounts, arrangements, inner undertakings and security. Standards of Democracy: The most significant rule of any computer game is its multi media type of diversion including an interesting union of 3D craftsmanship, CG impacts, engineering, emotional execution, music, audio cues, narrating, man-made reasoning and above all between movement. The fundamental standards of this specific game, is to teach an individual on the best way to adapt to a circumstance utilizing great administration strategies. The player is all the time put in an issue or an emergency where he needs to utilize his expertise and knowledge to receive in return. The most troublesome perspective looked by the player is in finding the right harmony between accounts, tax collection and enactment to guarantee the nation doesn’t go into chapter 11.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
How Sigmund Freud Viewed Women
How Sigmund Freud Viewed Women History and Biographies Print Freuds Perspective on Women By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on June 30, 2019 Imagno / Getty Images More in Psychology History and Biographies Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming In This Article Table of Contents Expand Penis Envy How Methods Emerged Women in Freud’s Life Women in Psychoanalysis Opposing Viewpoints Understanding Freud Today View All Back To Top Sigmund Freud’s views on women stirred controversy during his own lifetime and continue to evoke considerable debate today. Women oppose change, receive passively, and add nothing of their own, he wrote in a 1925 paper entitled The Psychical Consequences of the Anatomic Distinction Between the Sexes. Donna Stewart, M.D., a professor and chair of women’s health at the University Health Network, explained, Freud was a man of his times. He was opposed to the women’s emancipation movement and believed that women’s lives were dominated by their sexual reproductive functions. The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is What does a woman want? Freud once mused in Sigmund Freud: Life and Work by Ernest Jones. Freud Believed Women Experience Penis Envy Penis envy is the female counterpart to Freud’s concept of castration anxiety. In his theory of psychosexual development, Freud suggested that during the phallic stage (around ages 3 to 5 years) young girls distance themselves from their mothers and instead devote their affections to their fathers. According to Freud, this occurs when a girl realizes that she has no penis. Girls hold their mother responsible for their lack of a penis and do not forgive her for their being thus put at a disadvantage, Freud suggested (1933). While Freud believed that his discovery of the Oedipal complex and related theories such as castration anxiety and penis envy were his greatest accomplishments, these theories are perhaps his most criticized. Female psychoanalysts such as Karen Horney and other feminist thinkers have described his ideas as distorted and condescending. The counterpoint theory to the Oedipal complex is the Electra complex. Many of Freuds Methods Emerged From His Treatment of Hysteria Freud’s revolutionary talk therapy evolved in part from his work with Bertha Pappenheim, who is known as Anna O. Suffering from what was then referred to as hysteria, she experienced a variety of symptoms that included hallucinations, amnesia, and partial paralysis. During sessions with one of Freud’s colleagues, Joseph Bruer, Pappenheim described her feelings and experiences. This process seemed to alleviate her symptoms, which led her to dub the method the talking cure. Pappenheim went on to become a social worker and made significant contributions to the women’s movement in Germany. Initially, Freud suggested that the causes of hysteria were rooted in childhood sexual abuse. He later abandoned this theory and instead emphasized the role of sexual fantasies in the development of a variety of neuroses and illnesses. His understanding of women was notoriously inadequate, but he did make great steps beyond what was understood about women when he came on the scene. It was very unusual in Freuds time even to acknowledge that women had sexual desire, much less to say that the repression of their sexual desire could make them hysterical, explained historian Peter Gay. Who Were the Women in Freud’s Life? While Freud often claimed that he had little understanding of women, several women played important roles in his personal life. Freud was his mother’s eldest child (his father had two older sons from a previous marriage) and has often been described as her special favorite. I have found that people who know that they are preferred or favored by their mothers give evidence in their lives of a peculiar self-reliance and an unshakable optimism which often bring actual success to their possessors, Freud once commented. Freud’s relationship with his wife, Martha, was very traditional. She was a very good hausfrau (housewife), explained his granddaughter, Sophie Freud. She was very thrifty. And my father would say that his mother would rather poison the whole household than throw food away. Freud was raised with several sisters and later became the father of three sons and three daughters, including Anna Freud, who played a major role in carrying on her father’s work. Important Women in Psychoanalysis While Freud described women as inferior to men, many women were instrumental in the development and advancement of psychoanalysis. The first woman to join Freud’s Vienna Psychoanalytic Society was Helene Deutsch in 1918. She published the first psychoanalytic book on women’s sexuality and wrote extensively on topics such as the psychology of women, female adolescence, and motherhood. The seminal psychoanalyst (and supposedly Carl Jungs one-time lover) Sabina Spielrein also had an important influence on the development of psychoanalysis. She was originally one of Jungs patients. During the early years of the Freud and Jung friendship, the two men spent a considerable amount of time discussing Spielreins case which helped shape many of their views. Spielrein herself is also credited with developing the concept of the death instincts and for introducing psychoanalysis in Russia. Psychoanalyst Karen Horney became one of the first critics of Freud’s views on feminine psychology. ?Melanie Klein became a prominent member of the psychoanalytic community and developed the technique known as play therapy, which is still widely used today. Additionally, his own daughter, Anna Freud, played a vital role in advancing many of her father’s theories and contributed greatly to child psychoanalysis. Some Opposing Viewpoints Not surprisingly, some important figures in psychology had their own responses to Freuds limited and often offensive take on female psychology. Karen Horney was one such critic, taking on Freuds concept of penis envy and providing her own take on male psychology. Even Freuds own granddaughter would later offer up criticism of her famous relative. Karen Horney: Freud’s concept of penis envy was criticized in his own time, most notably by psychoanalyst Karen Horney. She suggested that it is men who are adversely affected by their inability to bear children, which she referred to as womb envy. Freuds Response: Freud responded, although indirectly, writing, We shall not be very greatly surprised if a woman analyst who has not been sufficiently convinced of the intensity of her own wish for a penis also fails to attach proper importance to that factor in her patients (Freud, 1949). According to Freud, Horney’s concept of womb envy emerged as a result of her own supposed penis envy. Sophie Freud: While Freud’s notions of female sexuality often ran contrary to the patriarchal tendencies of the Victorian era, he was still very much a man of his time. His work is often dismissed as misogynistic and his own granddaughter, Sophie Freud, described his theories as outdated. His ideas grew out of society. He mirrored in his theories the belief that women were secondary and were not the norm and didnt quite measure up to the norm, she explained. Final Thoughts: Even Freud himself admitted that his understanding of women was limited. That is all I have to say to you about femininity, he wrote in 1933. It is certainly incomplete and fragmentary and does not always sound friendly... If you want to know more about femininity, enquire of your own experiences of life, or turn to poets, or wait until science can give you deeper and more coherent information. Understanding Freuds Views Today Today, many analysts suggest that rather than reject Freud’s theories outright, we should instead focus on developing new views on his original ideas. As one writer said, Freud revised his theories many times as he accumulated new data and reached fresh insights. Contemporary analysts should do no less. Sources:
Friday, May 22, 2020
Definition Essay Defining Art - 1654 Words
Defining art is a frustrating and thought provoking idea, because to define art is the equivalent to putting up a wall and saying you cannot pass it, but as human nature works, someone will eventually attempt and succeed at crossing over the wall. I personally enjoy the thought of artists constantly breaking the barrier of things considered to be art, but I also enjoy the thought of people preparing definitions to share with the world, because it causes this ongoing controversy. I believe the most satisfactory definition we have studied thus far is that of Jerrold Levinson. Levinson’s definition discards the thought of a strict â€Å"artworld,†which is why it works well with an example like the west side of the Berlin wall. Levinson contends†¦show more content†¦This side of the definition also allows new artists to create something that the world has never seen before, but can still find a way to connect the art to something like a family of previous arts. Th is is to say that technically there are no genuinely original ideas to a single artist. Every artist picks up something they admire or hate about other artworks and put them together, and while it may create something the artworld has never seen before it is not completely original to the artist but rather derived from other works. The west side of the Berlin wall was allowed to be painted in remembrance of the way the two sides were allowed to live, and to go see this piece of history that has been transformed into a work of art is an astounding sight and perfectly fits Levinson’s definition of art. â€Å"Part of these artistic traditions is how audiences treat artworks at any given time†(Hick, 37). The Berlin wall is treated as both an artwork and a monument. Levinson believed that objects became art if they were intended to be interpreted and treated as such, and when the Berlin wall was painted by different artists it was intended to be taken as a piece of art the refore according to Levinson it is art. I interpret the wall as one of the most intriguing and soul touching pieces of art, and I believe that Levinson would agree to consider it art for
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Gre Argument Essay Samples Pitfall
The Gre Argument Essay Samples Pitfall The Foolproof Gre Argument Essay Samples Strategy As you have shaped understanding of the subject and produced a type of draft, you can begin writing. Thus, you should comprehend each and every word in your topic. As you consider your topic, think about making a graphic organizer to receive your thoughts in order. Unlike personal or persuasive writing, you ought not share your individual opinion about the subject or judge the info you present. Most Noticeable Gre Argument Essay Samples Without facts it's not feasible to measure the degree of transparency. So unlike the vast majority of different essays, this kind of paper doesn't include debating, persuading or introducing personal views. Try to remember, though you might not be crafting the upcoming great novel, you are trying to leave a long-lasting impression on the folks evaluating your essay. You are able to say it is a blend of all kinds of essays to a certain degree, but in ad dition they have their very own unique capabilities. Cause and effect essays are written to supply an explanation of the way in which an action causes a result. There are a fantastic number of theories concerning extraterrestrial life. The growth of teenage gangs is a big problem nowadays. After you've chosen one subject from the scope of expository essay topics, it's time to begin writing. If you're likely to be writing this kind of essay over and over again, you want to know how to compose a good one. In this kind of essay, you should describe something without being metaphoric. It requires time to turn into good at writing essays and the sole approach to do this is to experiment and write. Expository writing is similar to a burger! Expository essay topics might be selected by means of a student as inquiry. If your're looking for Scholarship Essays, have a look at the templates we've got on our site. Essay writing provides plenty of benefits to students in the academe. Lies You've Been Told About Gre Argument Essay Samples Therefore, make certain you remain yourself and pursue your goals employing traditional and honest ways. The fees needed to attend college never appear to end. Frequently, folks become excited over adding new info, making a messy paper free of direction, so cut down should you need to. It is not as concerned with controlling the educational procedure, attempting to create circumstances where the student would establish their own targets and achieve them, while transforming their own self and self-regulating the studying process. When discussing the matter of youth crime groups, an individual must wonder how one makes the decision to join them. Hopefully reading this short article may not simply raise awareness of obesity, but maybe it might possibly help you develop into a better writer also. You don't always recognize the manner in which you experience about a topic or what you wish to say regarding the difficulty, you permit the research and your own route to determine the outcome. It is possible to consist of information based on your own personal life findings, but nevertheless, it shouldn't be the sole source. Even though the present data indicates the staggering number of gang members it is assumed the problem may be even more severe because most of them don't fit in the gang demographics and lots of crimes aren't reported. Explain why you're interested in a specific career. Additionally, there are times when you really feel like you don't need to write something. There may be a great deal of things that you want to discuss, but ultimately, there's a need to find right to the point. In all sorts of essay, always ensure that every component of your essay supports your thesis statement. The length may vary from essay to essay. Expository essays are likewise a fantastic option of genre. As you're most likely already aware, it is quite rare to obtain a totally open-ended expository essay assignment. A thesis can help to bring the remainder of your essay together. The thesis of the expository essay ought to be based on factual information which will be shown in the body of the essay. The absolute most important feature to keep in mind when writing an expository essay is you need ton't write about your own private opinions. In the end, all these examples end up being a useful guideline for writing expository essay. There are several methods about how to compose an expository essay. An excellent descriptive essay is going to be loaded with details. To the majority of people, body paragraphs are the sole areas of the essay that matter. Now you have a strong, informative, and intriguing introduction it's time to begin with the body paragraphs. It is extremely important to pay exclusive attention to the opening sentence. Then the next step is going to be to find out more about the expository essay structure. If your essay looks choppy, correct mistakes with the assistance of transition words and phrases. An expository essay outline presupposes a very clear structure, which isn't difficult to embody. A topic sentence permits the reader to comprehend what it is that you are writing about. Select the appropriate vocabulary.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rights of the Child Free Essays
UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was brought into effect to recognise that Children needed their own set of specific human rights that should be protected and that these were a universal right not a privilege. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was drawn up and accepted by the UN in 1989. The UK government agreed to abide by the principles in 1991 and it was fully implemented in 1992. We will write a custom essay sample on Rights of the Child or any similar topic only for you Order Now The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most universally recognised set of standards for protecting the rights of children and numerous countries have agreed to abide by it. The Convention forms a set of articles that highlight the minimum entitlements of all children. These articles have been split into four main categories: the general requirements for all the rights; the basic rights to life, survival and development of one’s full potential; being kept safe from harm; and respecting the views of the child. The Convention also sets out minimum standards in areas such as health care, education and social services to protect those children’s rights. There are 54 articles in total that apply to all children with no exceptions, here are two examples; Article 19 states that all young people have the right to be kept safe from experiencing violence, mental abuse, physical abuse or neglect by any adult they come into regular contact with e. g. parents, carers etc and Article 34 gives the right for all young people to be kept safe from any form of sexual abuse or exploitation. When the UK government agreed to abide by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child it meant it had promised to not act in a way that would infringe any of the rights and it agreed to ensure they were fully implemented in a non discriminatory manner. Accordingly the government is responsible for ensuring people act in the best interests of the child and that children are treated as individuals within a family whose views should be taken into account. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was implemented by the government but it requires all parts of society to respect them to ensure the rights of the child are being met. This therefore has a massive impact on my role and responsibilities within my job. This is due to the fact that I must ensure the rights outlined in the convention and the minimum standards set out are being met at all times as it is a legal obligation. It is also important for me to ensure the individuals views within the home are being actively sought on a regular basis, listened to and respected. This is done by seeking the individuals views during the care planning and development of placement plans so that their wishes can be recorded and implemented where appropriate. It is also important to encourage and support the individuals to attend review meetings to express their opinions on their care plan and future. There are also minimum standards that relate to this e. g. standard 1. 4 which states â€Å"the views of the child, the child’s family, social worker and IRO are sought regularly on the child’s care. †Under the UN Convention I also must ensure that I keep the individual safe from harm or abuse. This corresponds to various Educare policies and procedures under safeguarding which stipulate things such as all visitors to the home are asked for ID and appropriately supervised. It also requires me to have appropriate risk assessments and management in place specific to the individual so as to reduce any potential risks associated with a situation and to develop strategies to help encourage and support and individual to manage their own risks. This information is also put into the minimum care standards under standard 4 which outcome is to ensure â€Å"children feel safe and are safe. Children understand how to protect themselves, and feel protected and are protected from significant harm including neglect, abuse and accident. †The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child essentially underpins all aspects of the work we do and how we undertake it and the responsibilities we have to the individual. It is therefore a major and key piece of legislation that we must be familiar with to fulfill the job role and responsibilities as manager of a home. HUMAN RIGHTS ACT 1998 The Human Rights Act was drawn up by the UK government and implemented in 1998. It draws on the European Convention of Human Rights but allows for issues to be addressed within the UK courts of Law rather than needing a European Court. â€Å"The Act provides that it is unlawful for a public authority to act in such a way as to contravene Convention rights. For these purposes public authority includes any other person â€Å"whose functions are functions of a public nature. â€Å"†The Human Rights Act uses a set of articles to detail the rights of everyone within the UK. Examples of these articles include: the right to life; prohibition of torture; prohibition of slavery and forced labour; right to liberty and security; right to respect for family and private life; freedom of thought conscience and religion; freedom of expression; prohibition of discrimination; protection of property; and right to education. The Human Rights Act is another piece of legislation which underpins all aspects of the job role and responsibilities of being a manager of a children’s home. If parts of the Human Rights Act are ignored or not adhered to then it can become a criminal offence. As a result of the Human Rights Act equal opportunities policies and procedures were drawn up and implemented and form the basis of the way we work with the individuals to ensure we adhere to the Act and ensure the individual is not discriminated against under any basis. There are also several acts that were developed as a result of the Human Rights Act to stop discrimination within the work place and towards others. It is therefore important that valuing diversity is promoted within the home and understanding of different cultures, religion etc. are developed. This also forms one of the key outcomes Ofsted assesses for to see how well it is achieved within the home. The Human Rights Act also ensures that the individuals have a right to privacy and security. This includes individuals having privacy in their bedroom environment unless there is a concern for their safety and that they have their own room key so they can keep their room locked and have their privacy respected by other individuals living in the home. It also means for example that people are asked for ID when visiting the home and are appropriately supervised so as to ensure security and safety within the home is maintain. Freedom of thought ensures that the individuals are allowed and encouraged to develop their own opinions on things and that these opinions are respected e. g. in relation to religion. How to cite Rights of the Child, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Court Ststem And It free essay sample
The Court Ststem, And It # 8217 ; s Capability To Put Innocent People Into Jail Or To Death As Seen In The Book A Tale Of Two Cities Essay, Research Paper English Paper Subject: The tribunal system, and it # 8217 ; s capableness to set guiltless people into gaol or to decease. James Laurie There are many illustrations in the book A Tale of Two Cities of errors made by the legal system. The legal system has the capableness to penalize guiltless work forces, and to put free or even honor a guilty 1. Though it normally makes a merely determination, the legal system can sometimes mistake. Throughout the novel A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, Charles Darnay, a character in the book, was put to test many times. He was put to test in France because of his baronial lineage, over which he had no control. Because he had left France to acquire away from his household # 8217 ; s past he was persecuted and prosecuted when he tried to return to assist one of his household # 8217 ; s loyal and guiltless retainers, Gabelle. We will write a custom essay sample on The Court Ststem And It or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though he had non committed any existent offense, he was sentenced to decease because he had left France. This is an illustration of the tribunal # 8217 ; s capableness to penalize guiltless work forces. The legal system is made to protect the inexperienced person and to penalize the guilty, but during the Gallic revolution it was hard to do a differentiation between the two. The general population, described in the book as # 8220 ; bluish flies # 8221 ; wanted to see the Lords against whom they had struggled for so long, dice. They were hungry for slaughter, and the tribunals were happy to obli Ge. Charles Darnay was sentenced to decease non because he had left France, or committed lese majesty by bewraying it in any manner, but because his household was so despised by the populace. He had done no existent incorrect, but because of the offenses of his male parent and uncle he was jailed and scheduled to be killed. The Torahs must non be made randomly or else people will be punished below the belt. All that the legal system does is uphold the jurisprudence, but if the jurisprudence is unjust so the opinion of the tribunals will be unjust. The Torahs besides must be clear and specific, otherwise the inexperienced person can be punished for non cognizing the jurisprudence, or go againsting a jurisprudence that they did non understand, and the prosecution can pull strings the jurisprudence until it is in their favour. The legal system besides had the capableness to penalize guiltless work forces when given false information. During the first test of Darnay, in which he was accused of being a undercover agent, Barsad and Cly gave false grounds to the tribunal, and had this non been discovered it is really likely that Darnay would hold been convicted of this offense, and he likely would hold faced the decease punishment. This could go on in any legal system. The tribunal system, though it has the capableness to penalize the inexperienced person and put free or even honor the guilty, is a good and necessary system. Without it, there would be no manner to continue the rights for the common adult male, and there would be no manner to reasonably find whether or non a adult male is guilty or guiltless. There would besides be no manner to reasonably find and administrate penalty.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Gender and Leadership Essays
Gender and Leadership Essays Gender and Leadership Essay Gender and Leadership Essay Regarding Gender and Leadership: Why do you think that some multinationals nevertheless tend not to give serious consideration to female candidates for managerial positions In, for example, the Middle East? and post your discussion to this thread- Module 5. Read the answers posted by others. Leadership styles differ from one region to another. Living In India I know that there are more gender biasness In a business situation there as opposed to Canada. You will see gender biasness in a lot of developing and emerging economies. Being from an Asian aground, I know in our culture, the society restricts and tells you that there are certain Jobs for women and certain Jobs for men. For example, most parents in the Asian culture will not be supporting of their daughter going into an army because that is not a Job for a girl to do. There is even a great animation movie called Manual that portrays the gender discrimination, although things are a bit more liberal now. Additionally, in a situation where there are male and female candidates for a managerial position In for example, Canada or United States then chances are that omen and men will be given equal consideration based on their education and experience because thats the societal norm and the law, obviously keeping In mind the Industry. There are certain Industries that men do well In and certain Industries that women do better In. For example, we have more male engineers than female engineers in Canada(Hang, D. 2013. However, if we stick with the example of Middle Eastern countries, we know that it is mostly a very male dominated society and they have a very patriarchal society. The gender norm constraints are strict, and he social and cultural norms highly dictate the dos and dont of everyday conduct. They reflect elements of a patriarchal society in which men and women are partners but with different roles. (World Bank. 2013). Mens role is to be the bread winner in the family and the wom en are supposed to stay home to do a good Job and take care of the family. This Is evident in the various statistics. : One of the facts are that only one In four women In MEAN(Middle Eastern and Northern Africa) are employed or looking for work, which Is half the global rate. For young women rates of unemployment are as high as 40 percent(Hole, A. 2013. ). In spite of measures being taken to reduce the gender inequality gap, especially gender inequality in terms of education has largely been eliminated over the years, however, the gaps in employment rate are still very high. In Saudi Arabia, for example, Saudi women accounted for less than 1 percent of the private-sector workforce in 2009. Women from Qatar made up 2. Percent of that countrys workforce, public and private, in 2008. (Acquire, D. Et al. 2011 . ) The major reason for his is the societal norms and gender discrimination can be caused because all Arab countries have in place family laws also known as personal status codes that confer upon women the status of dependent and minor with respect to marriage, divorce, child custody, and Inheri tance. Because of these family laws, states that have signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women have done so with significant reservations. Although the sexual division of the Arab countries. Women remain associated primarily with their family roles, and a mind of patriarchal gender contract prevails across the region (Monogram, V. 2004. ). Of course, the degree of inequality differs to some extent in different regions. Women are sometimes considered legal minors who require permission from their male relatives in order to travel, work. There are less women executives and entrepreneurs in the middle eastern countries also because of this requirement for permission to travel can be considered as a hurdle that alters their ability to conduct any business efficiently and is a barrier to their mobility(World Bank. 13) something that is critical in todays business world. In terms of leadership style, under ICC countries(Gulf cooperation council), if we take Saudi Arabia as an example, they score 60(The Hefted Centre: Saudi Arabia) on the masculinity and femininity dimension indicating a high score, and therefore are a masculine society where focus is on the task and leads on t he basis of masculine leadership style. In other words, a transactional leadership style which is the opposite of a transformational leadership style that is typically associated with the elation-oriented behavior. This relation-oriented behavior is further associated with the feminine leadership style that focuses on the welfare of others, democratic and relationships focused. Women are generally stereotyped to have feminine leadership style leading to gender stereotypes by the sub-ordinates. This could be another one of the reasons why in middle eastern countries women are not given serious consideration for managerial positions because they think that women will not have the appropriate masculine leadership style that is required. Additionally, n a study conducted in Prince Sultan University, it was found that there was a bias in male Saudi students who thought that men had more leadership skills and abilities than women. Not surprisingly, women agreed that men had more leadership skills, qualities and behavior as well. (International conference. 2009. ) This cultural norm also allows multinationals to discriminate against female candidates because if both majority of women and men agree that men have better leadership qualities, chances are male candidates will get preference over female candidates. Moreover, s mentioned above that Middle Eastern countries run on a male dominated society, it was evident through research that most men were not willing to give up the idea of them being in charge. To add to that point, even if there are other countries amongst the middle eastern countries that do have feminine style of leadership under Greet Hypotheses masculine dimension, having a woman leader in a company is rare and typically a woman is only allowed to work if she can handle both family and work, family being the priority. References Hang, D. (2013, December 18).
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Sample Recommendation Letter for Graduate School
Sample Recommendation Letter for Graduate School Whether youre applying to business school, medical school, law school, or another program, most graduate school applicants are going to need two to three letters of recommendation that will be submitted to the admissions committee (along with your undergraduate transcripts, standardized test scores, essays, etc.) as part of the application process. Not every school requires letters of recommendation. You can often get by without one at some online schools and even brick-and-mortar schools that have more relaxed admission requirements. However, schools with highly competitive admissions processes (i.e. the ones that get a lot of applicants but dont have classroom space for everyone) use recommendation letters, in part, to determine whether or not you are a fit for their school. Why Graduate Schools Ask for Recommendations Graduate schools seek recommendations for the same reason employers require career references. They want to know what people who have seen your work and experienced your efforts firsthand have to say about you. Nearly every other resource you provide to a school is a first-person accounting. Your rà ©sumà © is your interpretation of your career achievements, your essay answers a question with your opinion or tells a story from your point of view, and your admissions interview includes questions that, again, are answered from your point of view. A recommendation letter, on the other hand, is all about someone elses perspective on you, your potential, and your accomplishments. Most graduate schools encourage you to choose a reference who knows you well. This ensures that their letter of recommendation will actually have substance and wont simply be full of fluff or vague opinions about your work attitude and academic performance. Someone who knows you well will be able to provide well-informed opinions and concrete examples to back them up. Sample Letter of Recommendation for Grad School This is a sample recommendation for a graduate school applicant was written by the applicants college dean, who was familiar with the applicants academic achievements. The letter is short but does an ample job of emphasizing things that would be important to a graduate school admissions committee, such as GPA, work ethic, and leadership ability. Notice how the writer includes plenty of adjectives to describe the person being recommended. Theres also an example of how the subjects leadership capability has helped others. To Whom It May Concern: As the Dean of Stonewell College, I have had the pleasure of knowing Hannah Smith for the last four years. She has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Hannah for your graduate program. I feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her studies. Hannah is a dedicated student and thus far, her grades have been exemplary. In class, she has proven to be a take-charge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them. Hannah has also assisted us in our admissions office. She has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective students. Her advice has been a great help to these students, many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging attitude. It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendations for Hannah without reservation. Her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Roger Fleming Dean of Stonewell College As positive as this letter is, it would have been even stronger if the writer had provided additional specific examples of his students achievements, or had pointed to quantifiable results. For example, he could have included the numbers of students the subject had worked with or detailed specific instances in which she had helped others. Examples of any plans shed developed, how she implemented them, and what the outcome was once they were put to use would have been useful as well. The more detailed the letter, the more likely it is to tip the admissions scale in your favor.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Write a reports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Write a reports - Essay Example The characters in this play really seemed to have a good time playing their part. The audience reaction was generally a laugh-out-loud or â€Å"Did they really just say or do that?†kind of response. The atmosphere was just as fun as the performance because it was mostly filled with women and a lot of them were laughing so hard that they had tears coming out of their eyes which made it that much more funny. There were some good laughs but I kind of thought that there were parts of it that were more vulgar than funny. I was surprised, however, at how many people left. I guess it is hard for some people to watch that kind of live performance. I just really like comedy and thought that this would be a good live performance to go see just for a laugh. It was an entertaining piece. Sometimes, though, I felt bad for the actors because some of their lines were so raunchy. I think that some of the performance had material in it that made people very uncomfortable. At $35 per ticket, it was kind of expensive to sit through and watch. However, many of the audience members, myself included, found that the characters engaged with us. That is what made it livelier. Parodies are generally intended to poke fun at something. They are also kind of dumb but are sometimes a bit laughable. The Spank! performance was nothing short of what to expect of a parody. I just thought it was really interesting how they took a story line like that and somehow turned it into a musical. Of the people who were around me had read the book, I could tell that there were some parts that I did not get because I had not read it and did not understand the references that the live performance had made. I did realize that it had become one of the world’s top theatrical parodies because so many people had gone and enjoyed it. I guess what made it most entertaining for me is that I do not typically visit the theater
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Quality Performance Measure in Health Sciences and Medicine Case Study
Quality Performance Measure in Health Sciences and Medicine - Case Study Example Overall service has declined by 19.78%, overall clinical 15.90%, the overall quality of service, food positively improved by 1.98% while overall cleanliness declined by 2.63 %. It is suggested that a fine balance between the quality performance measure and patient satisfaction should be created rather than focusing on one aspect alone like quality performance as is the case now. 2. It seems the CEO has not properly carried out her responsibility for educating the board. The board should have been in a position to satisfy the needs of the patients while at the same time upholding high standard performance measures if they have adequate knowledge about the new changes being implemented within the clinical set-up. With proper knowledge, at least positive results should be noticed in all sectors of the healthcare system after the implementation of the new changes. 3. It is recommended that human resources development through learning should be implemented in various departments of the healthcare institution. According to Robbins (1993), learning promotes the development of knowledge that in turn can improve the performance of the employees. Through learning, the employees can also share their ideas with others members and this can help them to improve their performance. This strategy will also help the employees to pull their efforts towards the same direction for the betterment of the organization as a whole. 4. The quality data that should be reported and utilized by this board of directors is related to employee satisfaction as well as patient satisfaction. These are the two major indicators that show that the organization operating within the right direction to fulfill its mandate. Essentially, an organization that is committed to its success should ensure that its interests, as well as those of the employees, are satisfied (Jackson and Schuler, 2010). Â
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Using Online Forum In Language Learning Education Essay
Using Online Forum In Language Learning Education Essay Online forums are also known as discussion boards or message boards. They enable users of a website to interact with each other by exchanging tips and discussing topics related to a certain theme. Learning through online forum is an important learning strategy for students to improve their language skills .This article looks at the benefits of online forum in language learning particularly in improving students writing and communication skills. Keywords: online forum, language learning, writing skills, communication skills INTRODUCTION Technology has the potential to enhance the learning of students if used appropriately. It can encourage more independent and active learning (McKimm, Jollie, Cantillon, 2003). A key reason for the use of technology within a learning situation is to enhance the quality of learning and teaching (Groves ODonoghue 2009). With the rapid development of computer-mediated communication , online forums have become more involved in classroom settings to promote student critical thinking, knowledge construction and language learning autonomy (Lim Chai 2004; Marra, Moore Klimczak 2004). Computer-based online discussions or online forums have been used in a wide range of higher education setting to provide major learning environments for distance education or to supplement face-to-face discussion (Jacobsen 2006). Discussion board or online forum is one of the primary tools of electronic learning according to Harman Koohang (2005). The use of computer based online discussion through online forum is evident in the curriculum of many courses throughout the physical world in universities such as in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America (Scott Ryan 2009). Although online discussions are employed by most universities in Malaysia (Sam and Lee 2008), schools may not be aware of this new technology. In the Malaysian context, students in primary and secondary schools do not acquire enough practice and exposure in English language since it is taught for a limited period of time in the classroom. There is a need for teachers to encourage students to use new technologies such as online forum to gain more exposure in the language. As purported by So (2009), asynchronous online discussion forums, are some of the simplest computer-mediated communication tools that teachers can easily integrate into their teaching to extend discussions beyond classroom contexts. This article is organized by addressing the following questions: What are the benefits of online forum? What are the characteristics of a good online forum? Does online forum improve students writing skills? Does online forum improve students communication skills? DEFINITION OF ONLINE FORUM According to Sheri Cyprus (2010), an online forum is also known as a message board, online discussion group, bulletin board or web forum. It differs from a blog. An online forum is a discussion area on a website whereby members can post discussions, read and respond to posts by other forum members. A forum can revolve around any subject in an online community. Like other internet-based learning environments, online forums provide a way for maintaining communication for learners who are not able to meet face-to-face or who prefer logging-on at different times (Sanchez- Sweatman 2001). Online forum is a kind of computer mediated communication which allows individual to communicate with others by posting written messages to exchange ideas. It uses asynchronous type of communication (Santosa et. al 2005) Nelson (2010) postulated that an online forum can be defined as an accessible group communication space. Proper utilization of online forums can enhance the effectiveness of communication. THE BENEFITS OF ONLINE FORUM Online forums provide many benefits to students and teachers. In a research conducted by Teine (2000), students have been found to be in favor of the self-paced, self-regulated feature of asynchronous discussions compared to face-to-face discussions. On the other hand, Callan (2006), states that online forums create a discussion environment. Everything that gets posted gets read over and over again. Online forums rarely turn into heated arguments as people are given time to research and consider their comments before replying. This in turn, makes high-quality discussion. Smith (2001) points out that well structured and appropriately facilitated online discussion can provide a learning environment that allows the immediate application of new information to learners personal and professional lives. Besides, online forums are more flexible compared to face to face communication as they provide time to reflect and think and allow both introverted and extroverted students to be involved in online discussions. Chinedu (2008) expresses that by participating in online forums, access to knowledge is free. Forum members are ever willing to share their knowledge and experience with others, and every member of the forum can benefit from this infusion of free knowledge. Here are some potential benefits of regular online forum participation according to Pavlina (2005): Intellectual exchange Learning new ideas and refining old ones Enjoying community membership Influencing the forums evolution Contributing to others Making new friends and contacts New business leads Keeping up with current events Learning about new opportunities Evidence also shows that the messages composed by students in online forums include longer solutions for problem-solving, and consist of deeper reflections compared to face-to-face discussions (Hara et al. 2000). Researchers have found that students can take more time to read, craft, reflect on their responses, and find relevant information when composing messages in such an environment (ONeill et al. 2006; Wang and Woo 2007). Peterson and Caverly (2005) established in their research that online discussions build a motivating social practice of current generation students, who use technology to contact friends and family throughout the day. In online forums, students develop their autonomy in language learning. Each participant is given more authority to shape or lead the discussion in the direction they prefer, while teachers may have relatively less control over the learning interactions (Choi et al. 2005). THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD ONLINE FORUM There are numerous characteristics of a good online forum. Martyn (2005) discerned seven elements of a good online forum. They are: Require students to participate Grade student efforts Involve learning teams Structure discussion Require a hand in assignment Pose questions and scenarios that require learners to use their own experience Relate the discussion to course objectives Qing Li (2004) in her research recognized nine characteristics of a good online forum. They are: Establish a friendly, open environment Use authentic tasks and topics Emphasize learner-centered instruction Encourage students to give constructive feedback and suggestions Let students experience, reflect and share the benefit of using threaded discussion Be sure that instructors facilitate collaboration and knowledge building Encourage dialogue and referencing of other student postings Use humor for motivation Use emoticons to help convey ideas and feelings In addition, according to Peterson and Caverly (2005), good online forums provide a social presence, in which students and instructor are able to present themselves as real people and communicate with their personality. ONLINE FORUM IMPROVES WRITING SKILLS A well-structured online discussion forum can provide students with extensive practice in writing. The online forum allows opportunity for the facilitation of curricular objectives via modern technology. Online discussion forums provide an authenticity in writing and therefore serve as a meaningful supplement to the writing curriculum (Pauley 2001). Aileen Ng (2008) in her study discovered that the implementation of the online forum appears to provide reinforcement tasks to enable students to practice their writing. Besides that, the online forum also facilitates collaborative learning. Students could share their ideas and opinions in order to produce better quality writing as compared to if the tasks were to be completed independently. Schuetze (2010) conducted a research in the University of Victoria Canada and the University of Kiel in Germany. The study showed that most students of both universities felt comfortable writing online and they wrote more than ever before. They used the forum more actively than in a face-to-face classroom or chat. In turn, some students also mentioned that they liked to read what other students posted in online forums. In a study among twenty-five Chinese and Kiwi learners, Gerbric (2005) encountered that online forums provide opportunities specifically for particular groups of students. Chinese students found the virtual and text-based nature of the medium allowed them to enter discussions more easily and they felt more comfortable with their written responses compared to face-to-face discussions. ONLINE FORUM IMPROVES COMMUNICATION SKILLS A number of studies have found that online forums are beneficial in developing communication skills (Abrams 2003; Blake 2009). The greatest potential for effective use of online communication as a learning tool is when the students are at a distance from the school and their teachers (Crowell McCarragher 2007). Holmes (2004) identified a period of increased communication between online participants of his study after 10 days of interaction on online forum and asserted that input from teachers or instructors during this period led to maximized learning opportunities. Scott and Ryan (2009) in their study discovered that online members become more engaged in discussions and interacted effectively when they were set appropriate tasks. Complex tasks requiring research and discussion seemed appropriate tasks for small groups to work on collaboratively. When students are given problems related to their prior experience, the discussions show higher levels of interaction, and the participants show more passion for the topic (Puntambekar 2006). Peterson and Caverly (2006) in their study discovered that through online forums, teachers are able to document the growth of their students ability to support a point in their messages. Students improved their ability to respond to a classmate and to make a point supported with evidence. Online forum is a good way of communicating, especially when the teacher or lecturer is unavailable. It is also a good way to communicate with everyone as it creates a good communication between students and school (Greig Skehill 2008). In concurrence with the statement, Yu (2002) affirmed that students were more comfortable and less aggressive when participating in online forums. Online forums also offered more equal opportunities for group members to voice their opinions. Research conducted by Yang (2007) shows that students demonstrated very high levels of interaction among group members. Online forum is regarded as a social interaction that reduces students reliance on the face-to-face discussions. In a study carried out by Schellens and Valcke (2005, 2006), asynchronous discussion forums attained a higher proportion of higher phases of knowledge creation compared to face to face discussions. This occurred due to the vast majority of communication in the asynchronous environment was task oriented. CONCLUSION The online forum is an ideal place to put a learning community and its learning objects on the same page (Harman and Koohang 2005). In order to offer a successful discussion forum, teachers need to be fully skilled in practical use of the sites and committed to engaging with them, believing in their relevance and benefit for students and willing to spend dedicated time every week on the discussion forum with students. As Salmon (2004) advises, teachers need to take time to induct students to the online discussion tools and focus on familiarization and socialization into the online forum from the outset. Anderson et al. (2001) stated that active involvement of a teacher is critical in maintaining the interest and motivation of students in online discussions. Russo and Benson (2005) reported that student perceptions of teachers presence were significantly correlated with student learning satisfaction. In sum, online forum may provide a way for teachers to improve the quality of their students language learning skills. Thus, language teachers in Malaysia should consider integrating online forums into their language teaching to develop students writing and communication skills.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Meaning of life †Human Essay
I believe the meaning of life is to give life a meaning. Throughout my entire life, I have wondered what the purpose is. Why am I and every other human being even on this planet in the first place? That brings me to my next question. Is there a God? If there is, why did he put us here? Any Christian asked will say our sole purpose is to serve God. First of all, what does that even mean? And second, I must ask why? Why would a supernatural being place us strategically on this planet strictly to serve him? That sounds pretty selfish to me. There has to be something more. Something concrete. Something greater. How could there not be? All my life I have worked hard to succeed. I have challenged myself and fought to do better than my best. Why? I asked myself. Why stress so much when I’m only going to die in the end? Pessimistic, I know. Finally, I thought, maybe the meaning of life doesn’t have to be so complex. Maybe the meaning of life is whatever we want it to be. Maybe the meaning of life is to give life a meaning. I do what I do because I want to do it. It’s that simple. I do it because it means something to me. Everyone adds their own meaning to life. The meaning of life is never universal. The meaning of life is never complex. The meaning of life is actually quite simple to think about. Many people help the needy. Others play sports. Both activities add meaning to those lives involved. Purposes change, but the overall meaning of life will always stay the same. The meaning of life is simply to give life a meaning. This I believe.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
History of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles
The Soviets, in retaliation for the U.S. boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow, boycotted the 1984 Olympics. Along with the Soviet Union, 13 other countries boycotted these Games. Despite the boycott, there was a lighthearted and happy feeling at the 1984 Olympic Games (XXIII Olympiad), which were held between July 28 and August 12, 1984. Official Who Opened the Games: President Ronald ReaganPerson Who Lit the Olympic Flame: Rafer JohnsonNumber of Athletes:  6,829 (1,566 women, 5,263 men)Number of Countries: 140Number of Events: 221 China Is Back The 1984 Olympic Games saw China participate, which was the first time since 1952. Using Old Facilities Rather than build everything from scratch, Los Angeles used many of its existing buildings to hold the 1984 Olympics. Initially criticized for this decision, it ultimately became a model for future Games. First Corporate Sponsors After the serious economic problems caused by the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, the 1984 Olympic Games saw, for the first time ever, corporate sponsors for the Games. In this first year, the Games had 43 companies that were licensed to sell official Olympic products. Allowing corporate sponsors caused the 1984 Olympic Games to be the first Games to turn a profit ($225 million) since 1932. Arriving by Jetpack During the Opening Ceremonies, a man named Bill Suitor wore a yellow jumpsuit, white helmet, and a Bell Aerosystems jetpack and flew through the air, landing safely on the field. It was an Opening Ceremony to remember. Mary Lou Retton The U.S. became enthralled with the short (4 9), exuberant Mary Lou Retton in her attempt to win gold in gymnastics, a sport that had long been dominated by the Soviet Union. When Retton received perfect scores in her final two events, she became the first American woman to win an individual gold medal in gymnastics. John Williams Olympic Fanfare and Theme John Williams, the famous composer for Star Wars and Jaws, also wrote a theme song for the Olympics. Williams conducted his now-famous Olympic Fanfare and Theme himself the first time it was played at the 1984 Olympic Opening Ceremonies. Carl Lewis Ties Jesse Owens At the 1936 Olympics, U.S. track star Jesse Owens won four gold medals; the 100-meter dash, the 200-meter, the long jump, and the 400-meter relay. Nearly five decades later, U.S. athlete Carl Lewis also won four gold medals, in the very same events as Jesse Owens. An Unforgettable Finish The 1984 Olympics saw the first time that women were allowed to run in a marathon. During the race, Gabriela Anderson-Schiess from Switzerland missed the last water stop and in the heat of Los Angeles began to suffer from dehydration and heat exhaustion. Determined to finish the race, Anderson staggered the last 400 meters to the finish line, looking like she wasnt going to make it. With a serious determination, she made it, finishing 37th out of 44 runners.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay about Organ Transplantation - 978 Words
Organ transplantation is, without a hesitation, one of the most major achievements in modern medicine. In many cases, it is the only effective therapy for end-stage organ failure and is broadly practiced around the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 21,000 liver transplants, 66,000 kidney transplants, and 6000 heart transplantation were performed globally in 2005.1 In addition, data showed that living kidney, liver, and lung donations declined, going from 7,004 in 2004 to 6,219 in 2008 making it a challenge for patients who are in need of organ transplant1. According to the WHO; an estimated 46,000 people in Egypt are in need of transplants, most of them liver and kidney transplants. Egypt’s population of†¦show more content†¦Many physicians, Islamic scholars, and politicians have sustained that Islam has nothing to do with resistance to organ transplantation in Egypt. They even cite as their evidence the fact that other Islamic countries have passed a law allowing national organ transplantation from brain-dead and living donors. However, the resistance in Egypt must then be due to reasons other than Islam, namely the uncontrolled black market in body parts and reports of organ theft that has tainted the public perception of organ transplantation. In addition, the reliance on living donors has created shortage of organs due to small number of donors. Donors are often tackled with a major operation, and they pose a substantial health risk without any potential benefit. A wide range of complications in donors after living-donor transplant has been reported in the medical literature. The incidence of complications ranges from 0% to 67%, with an overall crude complication prevalence of 31%.3 Although, the demand for living-donor transplant is higher in Egypt than in the United States and Europe, the ethical principles leading the act of living donation should be the same everywhere.4 Placing a healthy individual at risk of death for a procedure that does not directly benefit the donor needs to be balanced by the autonomy of the donor. On the other hand, a large proportion of those whoShow MoreRelatedThe Organ Of Organ Transplantation1426 Words  | 6 Pagesmost significant issues concerning organ transplantation revolves around the just and fair distribution of organs. Due to the assorted and occasionally conflicting opinions of what constitutes as ‘fair’, in concurrence with a relative shortage of donated organs, many social, legal and ethical contentions have arisen. This shortage is portrayed by statistics shown on the NHS organ donation page, where approximately 10,000 people are on the waiting list for a solid organ transplant and approximately 1Rea d MoreOrgan And Organ Of Organ Transplantation2652 Words  | 11 Pagescentury, organ transplantation provides a way of giving the gift of life to patients with terminal failure of vital organs. Organ transplantation requires the participation of both fellow human beings and of society by donating organs from deceased or living individuals. The ever increasing rate of organ failure and the inadequate supply of organs have created a significant gap between organ supply and organ demand. This gap has resulted in extremely lengthy waiting times to receive an organ as wellRead MoreNo Secret That The Organ Transplantation917 Words  | 4 Pageshave to be put on a donor list to get a replacement of a diagnosed organ that must be replaced to live. It is no secret that the organ transplantation list has a significant amount of people and every day a handful of them die. A average of twenty one people die everyday, according to the American Transplant Foundation. Many scientist and m edically certified personals have been trying to come up with alternative genetic modified organs to give to needed patients, instead of waiting for a donor to comeRead MoreOrgan System Of Organ Transplantation3687 Words  | 15 PagesStates, Not Just Legal Citizens, Should Automatically Be Considered Organ Donors Unless Otherwise Specified Rough Draft UFID: 9169-9185 June 6, 2015 I. Background According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, organ transplantation is the process of surgically transferring a donated organ into a patient with end-stage organ failure (U.S Dept of health and human services website). End-stage organ failure can be attributed to a number of diseases. Diseases suchRead MoreOrgan System Of Organ Transplantation3687 Words  | 15 PagesStates, Not Just Legal Citizens, Should Automatically Be Considered Organ Donors Unless Otherwise Specified Rough Draft UFID: 9169-9185 June 6, 2015 I. Background According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, organ transplantation is the process of surgically transferring a donated organ into a patient with end-stage organ failure (U.S Dept of health and human services website). End-stage organ failure can be attributed to a number of diseases. Diseases suchRead MoreOrgan Donation and Transplantation 982 Words  | 4 PagesOrgan and tissue donation is life-saving and life transforming medical process wherein organs and tissues were removed from a donor and transplant them to a recipient who is very ill from organ failure. It is said that one organ can save up to 10 people and may improve the lives of thousands more (Australian Red Cross Blood Service, 2011). Most of the donated organs and tissues came from people who already died but in some cases, a living person can donate organs such as kidneys, heart, liver, pancreasRead MoreOrgan Transplantation Essay1225 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Organ transplantation is a medical act which involves the surgical operating by transferring or removing of an organ from one person to the other, or placing the organ of a donor into the body of a recipient for the replacement of the recipients damaged or failed organ which resulted from impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism or an act that causes someone to receive physical damage. Lately, there is an emerging innovation whereby organs are createdRead MoreThe Commercialization Of Organ Transplantation1660 Words  | 7 Pagesto save the world, [he] would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution†(Einstein). In the case of the commercialization of organ transplantation, would the ramifications laid by Einstein change if a doctor had only one hour to save the life of a patient in dire need of an organ transplant? An individual that had spent the last three years on a waiting-list? Waiting, years, months, and days without end for a second chance at life. Similar to EinsteinRead MoreOrgan Transplantation Is The Removal Of A Healthy Organ1539 Words  | 7 PagesPiechowiak 2nd Period 8th Grade Accelerated Language Arts December 14th, 2015 Organ Transplants Organ transplantation is the removal of a healthy organ from one person and placing it into another whose organ has failed, or is injured. It is known to be life saving 80 percent of the time, but it is a major surgery that carries many me potential risks and complications- the biggest one being organ rejection. (WebMD) Organ transplants have quite some history. The first successful kidney transplant wasRead MoreOrgan Procurement And Transplantation Network2065 Words  | 9 PagesWhat if your doctor told you that your time was limited to less than six months, unless a compatible donor came along? This is what many people go through every day. They are put in the â€Å"National Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network or OPTN†which is the transplant waiting list (Tara.B). Organs that become available through the OPTN are matched with the recipients. Here is where most of the people will wait months, years, or even the remainder of their life for a compatible donor t o become
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