Tuesday, December 24, 2019
A Brief Note On The Powered By Genesis - 2339 Words
Advertisement Privacy Powered By Genesis OK, fine, good riddance. So we’re 95 now. A friendly, intimate crowd, just the people who want to be here. Thanks for reading, folks! I was beginning to worry about your attention span, even your intellig †¦ wait a second, where are you guys going? You’re tweeting a link to this article already? You haven’t even read it yet! What if I go on to advocate something truly awful, like a constitutional amendment requiring that we all type two spaces after a period? Wait, hold on, now you guys are leaving too? You’re going off to comment? Come on! There’s nothing to say yet. I haven’t even gotten to the nut graph. Get Slate in your inbox. I better get on with it. So here’s the story: Only a small number of you are reading all the way through articles on the Web. I’ve long suspected this, because so many smart-alecks jump in to the comments to make points that get mentioned later in the piece. But now I’ve got proof. I asked Josh Schwartz, a data scientist at the traffic analysis firm Chartbeat, to look at how people scroll through Slate articles. Schwartz also did a similar analysis for other sites that use Chartbeat and have allowed the firm to include their traffic in its aggregate analyses. Schwartz’s data shows that readers can’t stay focused. The more I type, the more of you tune out. And it’s not just me. It’s not just Slate. It’s everywhere online. When people land on a story, they very rarely make it all the way down the page.Show MoreRelated The Invention of the Modern Automobile Essays4283 Words  | 18 Pageson this automobile. Engineers design the components, machinists manufacture the components, assemblers assemble the components into complete systems, truck drivers deliver the assembled product, and salesmen sell the product to the masses. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Vark Educational Psychology and Learning Styles Free Essays
VARK Analysis Grand Canyon University VARK Analysis VARK refers to a specific style of learning, visual, auditory, reading and writing and kinesthetic leaners. (Fleming Mills, 1992) VARK assessment questions alert people to the variety of different approaches to learning. (VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) For those struggling with learning the VARK analysis can develop a new learning approach or enhance your current learning style by identifying your learning style to more effectively store and recall information. We will write a custom essay sample on Vark: Educational Psychology and Learning Styles or any similar topic only for you Order Now Knowing our own learning style also can help you to realize that other people may approach the situation different from your own. (Connor, 2009) â€Å"Everyone has a certain amount of each learning style, but one learning type will be more dominant that than other. †(Smith, 2011) Throughout our journey of childhood education we are introduced to kinesthetic learning in the early years, JR high visual and read and write and higher learners experience more auditory. (Smith, 2011) Each individual is exposed to different learning approaches however we develop a preference to a specific learning style. Whichever type a person is, will be how they view life and comprehend situations. This is their own, unique personal filtering system. Obviously each of us will become automatically drawn to our same type, and those who filter the same information the way we do. But having diverse relationships will increase our own happiness throughout our lives†(Smith, 2011) â€Å"VARK is a bout learning, not leisure activities. The read/write learners prefer information displayed as words. This learning style emphasizes text based-input and output. People who prefer this modality are often addicted to Power Points, the internet, lists diaries and words, words, words. †(VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) Upon taking this test, it reinforced the learning strategies I currently utilize the read and write learning preference. Read and write learners need writing materials to take down points the think are important from what the read, hear and see. (Smith, 2011) The advantage for read write learners they are very independent with learning and can self-teach. A disadvantage to this style of learning preference if a presentation is audio or visual with no opportunities to take notes, this type of learner will struggle with comprehending the content. With a presentation that is more visual and audio, the read write learner must convert this content to a style of words in their head that will help them commit this to memory. (VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) Read and Write learners prefer to take information by making list, headings or utilizing book, handouts, essays and manuals. To make their intake of information a learnable package a read and write learner must convert their â€Å"notes†by 3:1 for studying. †(VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) These read/write learner to utilize the information they gather often organizes their written words into diagrams, graphs, charts and read their notes and rewrite the principals into other words. The successful output of this information is when they can perform well on a test or assignment. VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) Completing the VARK analysis at the beginning of my BSN program reinforced the strengths of my read write learning preference. This learning preference style analysis also gave suggestions if a read and write learner is put in a situation where they must utilize the other learning styles. The suggestion to convert that information into the preferred â€Å"word†method read/ write learners like is an excellent suggestion rather than focusing on the fact one is uncomfortable with the presentation of the material in a non-preferred learning method. University Education is ideal for a read and write learner due to the comfort of reading text, writing notes and essays. †(VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) This style learning preference does well with self-teach /learning which a benefit in the online classroom environment. The challenge a read/ write learner might face in the online classroom is the need to l isten to online tutorials, this is a time they would need to convert the information into a preferred â€Å"word†method to process the needed information in a way they better comprehend. The read write learner has a â€Å"AH HA’ moment which is the point the words they intake help them comprehend the topic and process the information long term. (Smith, 2011) References Connor, M. (2009). Ageless Learners: What’s your Learning Style? Retrieved January 20, 2012, from http://agelesslearner. com/assess/learningstyle. html Fleming, N. , Mills, C. (1992). Helping Students Understand How They Learn [Journal]. The Teaching Professor, 7(). Retrieved from www. vark-learn. com Smith, C. (2011, June). Understanding Every Personality Type: Audio, Visual and Kinesthetic [Discussion Group comment]. Retrieved from http://applecsmith. hubpages. com/hub/Being-Successful-With-Every-Personality-Type-Audio-Visual-Kinesthetic Smith, D. (2011, June 26). Advantages and Disadvantages to different learning styles [Discussion Group comment]. Retrieved from http://www. ehow. com/info_8651838_advantages-disadvantages-different-learning-styles. html VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles. (2011). www. vark-learn. com How to cite Vark: Educational Psychology and Learning Styles, Essays
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Word Communication Is a Comprehensive Method †Free Samples
Question: What Is the Word Communication Is a Comprehensive Method? Answer: Introduction Communication is the process of sending and receiving message between two or more people. Word communication is derived from Latin word comm?nic?re which stands for to share in other words Two- way process of exchanging the details or information (Rosengren, 2000). For any activity communication plays an important role. Further, this report will talk about the communication role in employment based on the case study. Over here it is clear mention that the lady needs to communicate with the customers, top management and the staff members. Aims and objectives Communication plays a vital role in any organization and if we talk about the case study it is important to communicate with employees, with staff members, and with customers. This will lead to the success and helps in achieving the organizational goals (Du, Bhattacharya Sen, 2010). Communication will lead to awareness, clarity in business, affect a business sale, build relationships, compare products etc. Creating awareness: - For the existence of the business, awareness of business is required and for bringing awareness comes with the communication. In the case communication helps to communicate with the customers so that they will be aware caf. Clarity in business:- For cracking any business deal, one need to clear what the other party is asking for what is the demand each and every clarification comes with communication. Affect a business sale: - Business sale will increase when we will communicate with customer what all they want to buy? We can tell about the specialty of the company so this helps in increasing the business sale. Build relationships: - Forming good relationship with customers is only possible through communication. This will make customer feel conformable shopping for and purchasing product from a company. If customer experience will be good they will make their friends and family aware about the company and will lead to good brand value. So in the case staff members to need to provide good customer experience. Compare products: - Consumer who is looking to buy the product needs to compare product with different companies. So business communication helps the customer to understand the value of the company this effect the market position of the company. In the case caf should see the competitors and should communicate more and more as it is new in the market. Scope The term Communication is a wide and pervasive. The scope depends on to whom to communicate the things, target audience is listening a group of people, individuals and crowd. The communicator should ensure that the target audience is clearly identified or not (Sharp, 1988). Talking about the case study communication scope is wide as in the company there is a communication at different levels by different employees. Jessica, a manager has to communicate with employees and with the customers as well. Methods of research This research is done on the bases of personal interview. Personal interview includes the face to face contact; in which interviewer ask questions from interviewee. As the caf is one of my friends caf. The interview helped to identify the employees and members. Interview helps to know about their schedule and their work, which actually helps to understand the role of communication in achieving the goals for the company. Results The observations when personal interview was taking place was that customer at the caf communicated to the staff about the experience in caf so staff member appreciated their choice and asked for suggestions. On the other hand one employee did complain with the manager and he was shouting but manager responded very clam and polite. Communication not only includes talking or sharing thoughts it also includes listening to customer and acknowledging them. Discussion and analysis Communication leads to the success of each and every activity. Human communication occurs in different types such as non-verbal, verbal, written communication, etc. out of these the most used communication form is non verbal. Similarly, there are different theories of communication which was implemented by the caf owners. So that it will be easier for them to manage the customers and to achieve goals. Communication: - The primary theory that is essential to achieve the goals is communication. It acts as conveying information to the other persons. In the caf not only manager need to communicate with the staff but they have to communicate with the top management. This theory is followed by each and every member in the caf and this will lead to achieve the organizational goal. Language and Meaning: - For communication there is a need if purpose of people to share their views and feelings, the words we use to speak that exactly refers to as language. Meaning stands for representing or expressing you views to other person. Language and meaning helps in communication process. In the caf they get different customers so for communicating with them you need to use languages as different peoples know different language. Myths nonverbal communication: - The study at UCLA says that up to 93% of communication is done in the form of non- verbal communication. This type of communication includes body language, facial expressions, eye contact, and gestures (Trimboli Walker, 1987). These non-verbal elements lead to the communication between the persons. In the caf one manager cannot talk to their employees in front of customer, so at that time manager simply through eye contact or with gesture made the staff member to understand what she was willing to say. Culture: - Culture refers to as social behavior of a particular people or society. It is related with the people speaking common language and language is related with the communication. As while communicating common language is used by these groups which make their communication smooth (Leung, Bhagat, Buchan, Erez Gibson, 2005). In the caf different culture communicate in the common language. Hofstedes five dimension of culture: - In the case, there are only 3 levels top management- manager-staff members so employees should not think for power distance. If no of levels increase then they can think for the power distance. Uncertainty avoidance- in the caf, the rules for promoting safety and efficiency is necessary for the employees, Individualism-collectivism-individualism is related to the employees family and friends but when employee are collective or in group they need to be loyal towards the company, Masculinity-femininity- it depends on leaders behavior either leader is competitive in nature or he is caring. Employees will follow the leader. So manager should act according to the situation. Long-termshort-term- if the hierarchy based organization structure is present, the employees of the caf will think for long term goals but if there is no well managed structure the employees will make short term goals (Soares, Farhangmehr Shoham, 2007). Mediated communication: - The communication which is done between the two members with the help or technology or any electronic device is mediated communication (Baltes, Dickson, Sherman, Bauer, LaGanke, 2002). In the case, caf manager need to share the reports or email which includes the information that need to be communicated. Ethics in cyberspace: - Ethics in cyberspace says that there is should be no use of abusive language while using computers and should be clarity while talking, information should not be stealing (Smethers, 1997). Intercultural communication: - It is the study that study about the communication across different cultures and social groups. Daily communication; with individuals or group of different culture is problematic (Van Wieringen, Harmsen Bruijnzeels, 2002). So caf member should know how to communicate with different culture peoples. Emotional intelligence: - It is the capacity of individual to recognize their own and others emotions. It helps to manage or adjust emotions to adapt environments or achieve ones goal (Salovey Mayer, 1990). The caf manager needs to follow theory to overcome with any kind of problems. Purpose of interviewing: - The interview is conducted to get as much as information we can get from the person, it includes one to one contact (Adler, 2013). Caf should interview few customers to know the brand value and suggestion from the customers Conclusion The analysis of case study shows that how the communication plays a vital role in the organization. Not only communication but theories of communication will add on to customer services and will help in achieving organizational goals. In the report there is a brief description about the communication and its theory which helped the caf manager to manage the caf and to deliver best customer service, which will lead to increase brand value and will help in achieving organizational goals. Recommendation In the case study, manager Jessica is performing a good job. Managing the customers and staff members need efforts as this is a new business. So manager is trying to manage and trying to provide best service. With the help of communication about their brand they will be able to create awareness among the customers about the product. Communication theories will help the organization for smooth running References Rosengren, K.H., (2000). Communication: An introduction. First edition. New delhi; Sage publications. Sharp, W.N., (1988). Communications Research: The Challenge of the Information Age. First edition. New york; Syracuse university press. Salovey, P., Mayer, J. D. (1990). Emotional intelligence. Journal of Imagination, cognition and personality, vol.9, no.3,pp: 185-211. Van Wieringen, J. C., Harmsen, J. A., Bruijnzeels, M. A. (2002). Intercultural communication in general practice. The European journal of public health, 12(1): 63-68. Smethers, S. (1997). Cyberspace in the curricula: new legal and ethical issues. Journalism Mass Communication Educator, 52(4): 15-23. Baltes, B. B., Dickson, M. W., Sherman, M. P., Bauer, C. C., LaGanke, J. S. (2002). Computer-mediated communication and group decision making: A meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 87(1): 156-179. Soares, A. M., Farhangmehr, M., Shoham, A. (2007). Hofstede's dimensions of culture in international marketing studies. Journal of business research, 60(3): 277-284. Leung, K., Bhagat, R. S., Buchan, N. R., Erez, M., Gibson, C. B. (2005). Culture and international business: Recent advances and their implications for future research. Journal of International Business Studies, 36(4): 357-378. Trimboli, A., Walker, M. B. (1987). Nonverbal dominance in the communication of affect: A myth?.Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 11(3): 180-190. Adler, L. (2013). What Is the Real Purpose of the Interview? Retrieved on 5th May 2017 from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20130729040420-15454-what-s-the-real-purpose-of-the-interview Dance, F. E. (1970). The concept of communication.Journal of communication,20(2): 201-210. Du, S., Bhattacharya, C. B., Sen, S. (2010). Maximizing business returns to corporate social responsibility (CSR): The role of CSR communication. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(1): 8-19. into groups. This dimension has no political connotation and refers to the
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