Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Golem. Selected Stories Review Essay Example
The Golem. Selected Stories Review Paper Essay on The Golem. Selected Stories Outside of Russia, there are two cities where I would like to visit in the first place this is Paris and Prague. If Paris attracts me, so to speak, the overall image of the city, the desire to go to Prague, I shall, first of all Meyrink. I want to walk the streets of the old city late at night, only to hear the echo of my footsteps. And certainly among this echo I hear a heavy and threatening pace of mysterious and terrible creatures will lively Jewish rabbi. The pace of the Golem. The sooner I go, the closer the sound of his footsteps, and when I stop, then steps Golem calm down he waits may be out of the turn. He does not breathe and I can not be calculated by the sound of breathing. What to do? Run? No, this is not an option, it is necessary to calm down, you have to pull yourself together, because the Golem is not necessarily after me, his goals are unknown. I hold my breath, so that he could not find me on the basis of the eternal living being Ran seconds. Why do I need these gifts if I can not understand their own destiny? Pointless to lay tarot cards, I do not know which card represents me Ran seconds. No, no, hes not the devil incarnate, and not the embodiment of evil, because it is just an old junk dealer, perhaps too greedy and evil, but no more. Why is it so the network will inevitably fall on me and others, so that his shadow overshadow shadow Golem? .. Ran seconds. We will write a custom essay sample on The Golem. Selected Stories Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Golem. Selected Stories Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Golem. Selected Stories Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She lives next to me, but who is she? Is there a way out of this dismal cycle of events, whats in this room with a window but no door? .. Ran Wait no more forces, wooden walk stiffly I approach a turn, a man jumps out from behind a corner , nearly colliding with me, and I have time to notice his pale face, before he rushes off, losing his hat. Nerves can not stand, and Im running down dale Not really remember how I ended up in the hotel, but it does not matter, you have to sleep, you just need to sleep. I slept long and I woke up late in the afternoon by the receptionist call. From the handsets voice with a strong Polish accent: Sir, theres a man brought your hat »
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Green Days By The River †Essay Writing
Green Days By The River – Essay Writing Free Online Research Papers Green Days By The River Essay Writing One text or reference that can be used to show the misuse of authority or power is one that can stand out above the rest. While it is not the only text that can be used, it is one that is most evident in the book. The misuse of this power or authority by the character is done to show another that he can be can be most serious and judging at times. Mr. Gidharee uses his controlling power of the dogs that he has and uses them to attack Shell. Even though his dogs are quite powerful Tobago dogs he enrages them more by giving them something called dragon’s blood. It is evident that he means business, and unsuspecting Shell would be the victim of a dog bit. Mr. Gidharee made the dogs attack Shell because he some how that Shell had slept in the same bed as Rosalie is daughter and about what had happen that night. The book Green Days by The River paints a scene of Mr. Gidharee and Shell working at Cedar Grove, at the time Mr. Gidharee was talking to Shell and trying to get out of him what he already knew without letting Shell know what was going on. Mr. Gidharee so after gives the Tobago dogs the call to attack Shell and even though the dogs knew him they did not hesitate to go and attack Shell. Shell ends up with multiple bit marks and stays home for days trying to recover from that horrible day. Research Papers on Green Days By The River - Essay WritingThe Spring and AutumnThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionMind TravelCapital PunishmentThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationResearch Process Part OneEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XQuebec and Canada
Friday, November 22, 2019
PSAT to SAT Scores Does One Predict the Other Whats a Good PSAT Score
PSAT to SAT Scores Does One Predict the Other What's a Good PSAT Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The PSAT is the first exposure many students have to college entrance exams.Because the two tests are so similar, the PSAT is very good at predicting how you'll do on the SAT.In this article, we explain the most accurate way to use your PSAT score to predict your future SAT score. A Note on This Article This article uses data based on the older version of the PSAT, when the score range was 60 to 240. In October 2015, the current version of the PSAT was first released, with a new score range of 320 to 1520. (Learn more about how the current PSAT is scored here.) As such, the data in this article is out-of-date for anyone who's taken the PSAT since October 2015,andyou cannot use the strategies below to estimate your SAT score from your PSAT score. However, the major patterns discussed below still apply. This means that, when comparing your PSAT and SAT scores, you'll likely see the biggest gains in Verbal scores, followed by Math scores. Students with lower PSAT scores will also likely see bigger gains in their SAT scores compared to students who initially scored high on the PSAT. And an effective prep strategy is still one of the best ways to improve your SAT score. The Naà ¯ve Method: Multiply Your PSAT Score by 10 to Get Your SAT Score The PSAT is incredibly similar to the SAT: they overlap by 90% or more. In fact, the two tests are so similar that you can think of the PSAT as nearly identical to the SAT. Seen this way, there is an "SAT equivalent" score for all PSAT scores: you can convert your PSAT score to an estimated SAT score just by multiplying your PSAT score by 10. For example, if your PSAT total was a 155, then the SAT equivalent would be 155 x 10 = 1550. Likewise, if you got a 42 in math on the PSAT, this is the same as a 420 on the SAT Math section. If you're just looking for the theoretical equivalent SAT score this method is good enough. In fact, in our text below, we will use the SAT-equivalent score a lot. However, some students and parents ask themselves a more relevant question: Now that I know my PSAT score, what will I likely get when I take the SAT for real? Can you predict my future SAT score based on my PSAT score?The answer is a resounding yes. How to Predict Your Future SAT Score From Your PSAT Score You need to take into account a few extra factors when doing prediction versus just conversion. First, if you've been paying attention to my series on what's a good 7th grade SAT score or what's a good 10th grade SAT score, you'll know that students improve over time. This factor is vital to a good prediction, as we show you below.Second, the SAT is not exactly equal to the PSAT. Finally, some call it luck and others call it fate, but there is some chance involved, and we must account for that. To account for all three factors, we used a large sample of thousands of real students who took the PSAT and later the SAT in their normal high school career. This way we don't need to rely on theory. We can look at the hard empirical data to see the truth. The results are below. Average Improvement From PSAT to SAT Scores: 139 Points The average improvement between the PSAT score (expressed in SAT equivalent) and SAT score was 139 points. This means that if you got a 150 on the PSAT, you can expect to get 150 x 10 + 139 = 1639 on the SAT. Remember to multiply your PSAT score by 10 to get the SAT equivalent, then add 139. What does this mean? It reflects that scores for students go up generally because they're learning more in school. Some students also receive great SAT preparation, and I believe these students improve more than average. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Breakdown by Section: Verbal, Math, and Writing The improvement wasn't evenly spread across all three sections of the SAT. In fact, Verbal scores increased the most at 62 points, while Math increased 47 points, and Writing improved only 30 points.This can be explained by the theory that Verbal subjects often require intuition that comes with maturity and training, while Writing has a new essay section that many students don't do as well on. Breakdown by PSAT Score: Low Scorers Win? You know the average improvement is 139 points, but how much you improve will also depend on your starting PSAT score. If you're a low scorer on the PSAT - if your starting score is 1200 (all scores here will be in SAT units) or below, your expected improvement is 166 points. If your starting PSAT score is 1200-1800, then your improvement is a slightly lower 155 points. Ifyou're starting as a high scorer, your expected improvement is only 64 points. Scorer Type Starting PSAT Score (x10) Improvement Expected Low Scorer Less Than 1200 166 Points Middle Scorer 1200-1800 155 Points High Scorer More Than 1800 64 Points Why is this the case? In statistical speak, this is just another example of regression to the mean. In everyday language, this can mean that if you did poorly on the PSAT, you're often motivated to study harder and prep more and improve your score (but you need to put in the effort). Likewise, it says if you're scoring high already, there's less room to grow, and if you want higher than average improvement, you're best off with help. What's Next? The college admissions process has become so competitive that it's helpful to plan well in advance for SAT/ACT prep during high school. Here are a few guides to help your thinking: Want a perfect SAT or ACT score?Read our guide to scoring the maximum SAT scorepossible, written by our resident perfect scorer. (ACT edition here). What's a good 10th grade SAT score? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points, or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Emotional Intelligence (Communication) Research Paper
Emotional Intelligence (Communication) - Research Paper Example An intelligent manager may analyse the things intelligently, but lack of control over his emotions may prevent him from taking wide decisions. On the other hand, a manager with emotional intelligence will never get agitated in any situations. He knows well that lack of emotional control may lead to wrong decisions. The EQ test which I took was not accurate enough to judge the emotional intelligence adequately. I don’t think the 21 objective questions and 2 descriptive questions needed to be answered in this test are sufficient enough to predict the emotional intelligence properly. In my opinion, a more comprehensive test with more descriptive items may be more successful to predict the emotional intelligence better. At the same time this test can give a rough picture about one’s ability to control their emotions. It is as simple as that a lay man can understand all the questions and answer it properly based on his perceptions. Nothing complicated in the questionnaires and hence anybody can have a rough idea about their emotional intelligence using this
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Is it fair to suggest that the German state is a 'frozen landscape Essay
Is it fair to suggest that the German state is a 'frozen landscape - Essay Example Criticising the trend of confining welfare state to the element of social spending, he contends that the social expenditures are â€Å"epiphenomenal to the theoretical substance†of welfare states (p.19). Thus, he denotes the inflexibility of continental welfare state system and refers to it as a â€Å"frozen continental landscape†deriving from the â€Å"frozen Fordism†existing in countries Germany, Italy and France and concludes that the situation favours a â€Å"status quo†in these countries (Palier and Martin, 2007, p.538). However, Scharpf and Schmidt (2000), as quoted in Palier and Martin (2007), challenges this notion and contends that social insurance based welfare systems â€Å"face the biggest difficulties†among welfare states (p.538). Therefore, to accommodate the changes in economy, the welfare state system of Germany has evolved to align with the transition and it may not be fair anymore to call it â€Å"a frozen landscape.†P alier and Martin (2007) contend that the Bismarckian welfare system has initially been unable to cope with the problems due to the rigidness of â€Å"their own tradition†while the other welfare regimes have done so by adapting to the changes through the implementation of various structural reforms (p.358). However, they concede to the fact that with some reforms introduced after the year 2000, the Bismarckian system has been able to incorporate drastic changes within their system, which may account for the emergence out of the frozen landscape. In the modern day of complex economy, states cannot focus too much on social welfare, ignoring other aspects that deserve better attention. Quoting Therborn (1983), Esping-Anderson (1990) argues that if one considers the historical changes in the activities of the states, it appears that only when countries invest the majority of its resources for â€Å"servicing the welfare needs of households†they can be called welfare state s (p.20). But, it has transpires from historical evidence that countries usually spend a greater part of their funds on â€Å"defence†and â€Å"administration†than on social welfare and, therefore, no state can be called a welfare state (p.20). Therefore, it appears that Germany’s continued existence as a Bismarckian welfare state has become impractical, forcing them to adapt to the changing environment. The country, over a period of time, has hence been evolving various strategies and changing their rigid stance on welfare orientation, incorporating various changes in their systems. Gosta Esping-Anderson again finds a possible failure of the welfare states to stand up to the â€Å"edifice of social protection†which remained â€Å"frozen†due to socio-economic pressures of the past and the system became incompatible to the emerging economic conditions and needs (Esping-Anderson, 1996, p.2). Developing nations such as the US and UK have prospered in the twentieth century by their focus on developing technology rather than investing on social welfare schemes. However, it becomes evident from the examples of these countries that when aspects such as technology is accorded adequate priority, the resultant growth in industry as well as other employment avenues will offer the citizens better jobs and living conditions and thereby improve the overall standard of living. This situation also seems to have
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Current Ethical Issues Essay Example for Free
Current Ethical Issues Essay The Baderman Island Resort first opened in 2004 and is managed by the Boardman Management Group. Baderman Island features three different hotels and caters to both business and pleasure. The food is amazing and the 24 hour room service is even better. Along with housing and dinning Baderman Island offers plenty of activities to keep families busy having fun or to help the stressed businessman relax. On the Baderman Island Resort you will get to choose from three different hotels that are need specific. The first would be the Baderman Main Hotel. Here you can find good food and great lodging for you and your family. The Tenney hotel caters to more grown up tastes and is suited for romantic get-a-ways for you and your special someone. The last hotel is the Melancon Convention Center and Hotel which is more business orientated with a conference room that can hold up to 300 people. You can find packaging rates and catering options on the website. Each of the hotels feature large luxurious rooms and beds along with internet hookups, a wall safe, 24 hour room service, a mini-bar, and on- site managers available to help you with any of your needs. Along with great lodging Baderman Island Resort has five restaurants for you to choose from. If you are in the mood for something light you can check out the Baderman Island Cafà © or the Beverly Cafà ©. For something more filling check out the Morgan Bistro, the Kayfe, and the Tenney @ Night. All of the dinning at Baderman Island is freshly prepared and reasonably priced. Baderman Island is managed by the Boardman Management Group which has been in operation since 1994. The mission of the Boardman Management Group is â€Å"Founded in 1994, Boardman Management Group is dedicated to managing leisure and convention focused resorts that provide a unique and quality experience to guests and visitors. The Board of Directors and operational leaders in the organization, empowers its staff to offer unsurpassed quality of customer service, through individual acts of random kindness and specialty services.†(Boardman Management Group, 2012). The responsibilities of the Boardman Management Group within the Baderman Island Resort are regulatory, finance and accounting, legal, marketing, IT services, and the entire human resources department. The organizational flow of Baderman Island is rather simple and easy to follow. You have your board of directors, chairperson of the board, your CEO, and your director of human resources management. Under the CEO is the Boardman Management Group and the vice president of guest services. The Boardman Management Group is responsible for regulatory, finance and accounting, legal, marketing, IT services. The vice president of guest services is responsible for the GM hotel, GM convention, GM food services, GM merchandise, and GM recreational. Under the GM support services there is security, logistics, engineering, emergency services, and guest relations. The employee services of the Baderman Island Resort feature an employee log in section of the website where employees can view memos and policy updates regarding the resort. Employees also have access to an employee only blog where they can post comments and suggest ideas; any HR issues should not be posted on the blog. Employees also have access to the different organization management charts for each division of the hotel. By having access to these charts employees can look up who their boss is and also follow up the management chain. One of the biggest moral and ethical issues facing the Baderman Island Resort is their destruction of the local forests and wildlife. Baderman Island Resort spans out over 1800 acres with 750 acres being fully developed. Baderman Island also has plans to develop the remaining acres by building a casino and expanding their botanical garden. If Baderman Island Resort wasn’t an island the destruction of habitats wouldn’t be such an ethical issue. Baderman is pushing wildlife out of the way to make room for the resort and eventually the wildlife will have nowhere to go. Another moral and ethical issue surrounding Baderman Island Resort is that of these customer service and well-being. There is the constant worry of guests wandering off the trails and getting lost and hurt. Also there doesn’t seem to be any emergency health care located on the island. What is the plan if a guest is critically injured and needs medical help? Along with health and safety Baderman needs to work on their customer service for their international customers. Baderman has made mention that they are in the process of hiring more employees that can speak different languages in order to lessen the language barrier. Does this mean that Baderman will be laying off employees that don’t speak multiple languages to keep payroll from going over budget? Baderman Island Resort is a true paradise and a wonderful place to go to relax. There are a few issues that need to be addressed if Baderman is to be 100% successful in their industry. References * Baderman Island. (2012). Retrieved from * Boardman Management Group. (2012). Retrieved from * Trevino, L., Nelson, K. (2011). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Love Is Beautiful Essay -- essays research papers
Teenagers are so blind to love because we are young and stupid. If it weren't called a crush, it wouldn't hurt. When I believe it's not there it seems so real and overflows my body with an unexplainable feeling. No matter what I do I cannot change the unexpected. I honestly don't think anyone will be able to understand or define the meaning of love. However I love my family and friends, but I am starting to give up on loving anyone else. I hate how I'm so happy and then it`s ruined.. I hate how you make me feel so bad, however in my life I've experienced more love from you than enough pain to overcome what I already know, which is to love to the full extent. Goodbye is never goodbye until life is over. I will always be able to love someone again, just like they are able to love me. Why do I listen to others lies about love and what they know? Why don't I just love like I want to love. I exercise my mind freely and i forget what is holding it altogether. I will always be buried with feelings and emotions from past experiences whether I realize it or not. It's hard to see and understand from anyone's perspective because I am not that person and I am surely not God. I cannot relive the past, but build over faith in myself. I cannot rely on what I hear or say or even on other's ambitions. I must forgive and never forget, I believe; If I forget, what lesson was learned? Or if I were in love why would I want to forget how wonderful it was to see the person smile and why it hurts so bad now to see them smile. I hate when you wipe my tears away because I cry more knowing you see and know that the pain is there. I'm not just in love, I am deeply and desperately in love and this one time is enough. Piece by piece I take in the meaning of such a confusing feeling of emotion. Look in my eyes, which will describe the truth that my heart wants to say. It's easier to lie and walk out on love then to hurt you or myself later by just tearing up the emotions that were shared. Love is not a gift to life, it is something to take out and figure out. I love you i'd do anything to listen to what you can't say. I'd deny the truth and protect you with my life. I can't love, I already love you to a full extent. I love you as much as it seems you will allow me. Why is it that people can't rely on their own decisions and feelings of love? I don't think i will ever have tha... ...ut you I am nothing and when I am nothing, I cannot be myself because I am afraid of what I could become without you. I know you may never feel the same or you may never understand. I wish I could take back what happened or the things that changed between us, but it is not possible to change the past. I don't regret what happened, I just regret my unthoughtfulness and just not being the person I was at the beginning. I wish so many things and now I have to live with the fact that I may never get the chance again and if I did, I don't know what I'd do. I dont know what else I could say because I am so nervous. But I know that with you I wont be so scared and I don't know what else I could do to make you somehow understand. I never talk to you in person about these feelings, so there are few limited ways of me being able to speak to you. I guess I have no choice but to try and explain it as if I was talking with you. That's all I can say right now.. I wish I had more to tell you, but I spoke directly from my heart and I love you very much. You know that I am always here no matter what happens. I love you, I love you from the bottom of my heart and I always, always, always will!!
Monday, November 11, 2019
Native Americans in the United States and Patrick
Since I vlslted Jamestown In 1957, my country has become a much more diverse society just as the Commonwealth of Virginia and the whole of the united States of America have also undergone a major social change. Buchanan mentions how dfferent not only Jamestown was 400 years ago but also how different her cltlzens were. For example, the citizens massacred Native Americans and enslaved Africans. Jamestown was not yet built around the ideas of democracy and equality. The American Revolution was another key example; it was fought for freedom and distance from Britain and not for equality. The only persons of power at the time were rich white men. Buchanan makes the point that America 400 years ago was not based around democracy, equality and diversity, so why should we value that in the present?In 1957 the Queen visited Jamestown, Virginia. The changes noted by the Queen were extreme. â€Å"Virginia has indeed become a radically changed society. No longer does Richmond proudly call hers elf the Capital of the Confederacy. Lee-Jackson Day is out. Marun Luther King Day Is In. The confederate flag flies nowhere. †This demonstrates how much can change in 350 years. Buchanan believes that 2007 Virginia is ashamed of 1957 Virginia, and the state should be proud of who she was in 1607.America In 1607 was did not celebrate diversity or multicultural beliefs, so why should they now? Buchanan describes early American settlers as having an â€Å"us-or-them†sentiment. For example, the early settlers thought that their Christian faith made them superior beings and those who opposed them were inferior. Another point that Buchanan makes Is when other culture such as Native American. African, or Spanish cultures were introduced to Americans they were not only rejected, but fought against in a violent manner.In 2007 Vlrglnla culture and diversity Is not only welcomed, but celebrated. Buchanan believes that this is not what the Founding Fathers of America had in mind during the creation of our country. In his concluding thoughts, Buchanan remarks that America Is a changing nation specially in the areas of diversity, democracy and equality. No longer is religion taught In schools, and with It dies the beliefs that founded this nation. ton Native Americans in the United States and Patrick J. Buchanan By Scaldare In the introduction, Patrick J.Buchanan notes that Queen Elizabeth II went to the Jamestown since its founding. He quotes the Queen, â€Å"Since I visited Jamestown in 1957, my country has become a much more diverse society Just as the Commonwealth of Virginia and the whole of the United States of America have also Buchanan mentions how different not only Jamestown was 400 years ago but also ow different her citizens were. For example, the citizens massacred Native were extreme. Virginia has indeed become a radically changed society.No longer out. Martin Luther King Day is in. The Confederate flag flies nowhere. †This 1607. America in 1607 was did not celebrate diversity or multicultural beliefs, so why makes is when other culture such as Native American, African, or Spanish cultures violent manner. In 2007 Virginia culture and diversity is not only welcomed, but In his concluding thoughts, Buchanan remarks that America is a changing nation taught in schools, and with it dies the beliefs that founded this nation.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Psychology Questions
â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Outline and evaluate the multi-store model? The multi-store model is a model of memory that has the advantage of being able to be broken down into sub-models of memory. According to the multi-store model of memory (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968) memory can be explained in terms of 3 stores (sensory store, short term store and long term store) and 2 processes (attention and rehearsal). Sensory Memory stores the incoming information from the senses.The model assumes that these are modality specific that is there is a separate store for each of the five senses. The store is very brief and the vast majority of information is lost here. Only information that is relevant or important is attended to and passed on to STM. STM Atkinson & Shiffrin believed the store to be fragile and retains information for about 30 seconds. Compare this to the 18 seconds of the Brownâ €“Peterson technique. Material that is rehearsed is passed on to LTM. LTM can store this information for a lifetime. Forgetting from LTM is by decay or interference.Attention: needed to transfer information from the senses to STM. Most stimuli that reach the senses are ignored because they aren’t seen as important. Only relevant or interesting information or material that we choose to concentrate on is passed to the STM. 99% is lost at this stage. Rehearsal: needed to transfer information from STM to LTM. We can rehearse information out loud as a child would do or we can rehearse sub-vocally, in our heads. Either way it is seen as crucial and is one of the main criticisms of the theory, as we shall see.Later models distinguished between maintenance rehearsal in which material is repeated in ‘rote’ fashion to maintain it in STM and help with transfer to LTM. Elaborative rehearsal links the information with existing material or elaborates it in some other way, again as an aid to longer term storage. To evaluate, the model has simplistic appeal and has been influential in stimulating research. Other models such as the ‘working memory model’ take the multi-store model as starting point and then add to it.Much of the supporting evidence for the multi-store model comes from artificial, laboratory studies which might not reflect how memory works in real life. Therefore memory research data have accumulated that traditional multi store models simply cannot explain. Researchers have, therefore looked to new models in order to explain memory more fully. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Outline and evaluate the effects working memory model? Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch proposed a model of working memory in 1974, in an attempt to describe a more accurate model of short-term memory.Baddeley & Hitch proposed their tripartite working memory model as an alternative to the short-term store in Atkinson & Shiffrin's ‘multi-store' memory model. The model consist of three main components; the central executive, the phonological loop and the visuo-spatial sketchpad. The central executive has limited capacity but can process information from any sensory system. It has responsibility and controls for a range of important control processes, which include setting task goals, monitoring and correcting errors etc†¦ Moreover this core component is supported by two slave systems, which can be used as storage systems.Therefore the slave systems have separate responsibilities and work independently of one another. The phonological loop, is a limited capacity, temporary storage systems for holding verbal information in a speech based form. The visuo-spatial sketchpad is a limited capacity temporary memory system for holding visual and spatial information. To evaluate, although the working memory model has been applied to vari ous real life settings. However the working memory model does not offer a complete understanding of how memory works.For example the exact role for the central executive remains unclear and other researchers have also questioned whether there are separate verbal and spatial working memory models systems. Baddeley (2001) added the episodic buffer making the model more complex. This suggests again that the model is not complete and may need still further revision as more evidence is uncovered. Overall the model has proved to be influential and has stimulated lots of research. It is still being developed and expanded. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-Outline and evaluate the effects on day care on peer aggression? Day care is a form of temporary care not given by a family member or someone known to the child. It usually takes place outside of the family. There are many forms of day care but the most common ones are nursery and child-minders. Some research has shown that day care has negative effects on the social development of infants, however most importantly several factors have been identified as factors which will affect the effects day care has on an infant. These factors are the quality of care and the number of hours the child spends in day care.Vandell and Corasaniti (1990) found that eight year olds who had spent their early years in day care were rated as more ‘non-compliant’ by both their teachers and their parents. A number of studies e. g. Belsky (1999) have tended to support this finding that long periods of day care in the first five years can lead to raised levels of aggressive behaviour in later childhood. Haskins (1985) found that children kept in larger groups were more likely to be aggressive. Clarke-Stewart (again) argue that much of the research into aggression (e. g. Vandell and Corasaniti) fail to distinguish non-compliance from as sertiveness from aggression.What are being reported as more aggressive behaviour in the day care children could simply be children that have greater confidence and have learned to assert themselves better and to control their feelings and emotions. To evaluate, day care can be seen as a potentially stressful experience and poor quality care can be associated with less positive social outcomes such as increase aggression. Oreover it can be difficult to assess the effects o day care due to the variety of settings and individual differences in children’s attachments to their parents.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Most Common North American Spruces
The Most Common North American Spruces A spruce is a tree of the genus Picea, a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen trees in the Family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions of the earth. In North America, there are 8 important spruce species most important to the timber trade, the Christmas tree industry and to landscapers. Spruce trees grow at either high altitudes in the southern Appalachians to New England or at higher latitudes in Canada and the higher elevations of Pacific coastal mountains and the Rocky Mountains. Red spruce occupies the Appalachians into upper Northeastern states and provinces. White and blue spruce trees mainly grow throughout most of Canada. Englemann spruce, blue spruce, and Sitka spruce are native to the western states and Canadian provinces. Note: Norway spruce is a common non-native European tree that has been extensively planted and has naturalized in North America. They are primarily found in areas of the Northeast, the Great Lake States and Southeastern Canada and the best are cut for New York Citys Rockefeller Center annual Christmas Tree. Identification of the Common North American Spruce Trees Spruces are large trees and can be distinguished by their whorled branches where needles radiate equally in all directions around the branch (and look very much like a bristle brush). The needles of spruce trees are attached singly to the branches sometimes in a spiral fashion. On firs, there is a distinct lack of needles on the bottom side of its twig, unlike spruces that carry needles in a whirl all around the twig. In true firs, the base of each needle is attached to a twig by a structure that looks like a suction cup. On the other hand, each spruce needle is situated on a small peg-like structure called a pulvinus. This structure will remain on the branch after the needle drops and will have a rough texture to the touch. The needles (with the exception of Sitka spruce) under magnification are clearly four-sided, four-angled and with four whitish stripe line. The cones of spruce are oblong and cylindrical that tend to be attached to limbs mostly at the top of the trees. Fir trees also have similar looking cones, primarily at the top, but tend to stand upright where spruce hangs downward. These cones do not drop and disintegrate attached to the tree twig. The Common North American Spruce Red spruceColorado blue spruceBlack spruceWhite spruceSitka spruceEnglemann spruce More on Spruce Trees Spruces, like firs, have absolutely no insect or decay resistance when exposed to the outside environment. Therefore, the wood is generally recommended for indoor housing use, for sheltered support framing and in furniture for cheaper structural construction. It is also used when pulped to make bleached softwood kraft. Spruce is considered to be a significant North American timber product and the timber trade gives it names like SPF (spruce, pine, fir) and whitewood. Spruce wood is used for many purposes, ranging from general construction work and crates to highly specialized uses in wooden aircraft. The Wright brothers first aircraft, the Flyer, was built of spruce. Spruces are popular ornamental trees in the horticultural landscaping trade and enjoyed for their evergreen, symmetrical narrow-conic growth habit. For the same reason, non-native Norway spruce is also extensively used as Christmas trees. The Most Common North American Conifer List Bald cypress - Genus TaxodiumCedar - Genus CedrusDouglas Fir - Genus PseudotsugaTrue Fir - Genus AbiesHemlock - Genus TsugaLarch - Genus LarixPine - Genus PinusRedwood - Genus SequoiaSpruce - Genus Picea
Monday, November 4, 2019
By Invitation Marketing Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12750 words
By Invitation Marketing - Dissertation Example A luxury brand is a lifestyle concept hence to enhance its market share and augment its brand image the marketing strategies are designed to be exclusive and aimed at a niche society. ‘By Invitation, Only Marketing’ is the absolute endeavour towards building brand name amongst renowned celebrities and revered heroes – thus making the brand presence symbolic of luxury, splendour, indulgence and opulence with the supreme object to gratify and foster the intense desire of conspicuous consumption of the consumers. Aim: The prime aim of this dissertation is to sustain an intensive research study especially in the field of marketing through exclusive invitation which is vogue in practice amongst the niche-selling trends of the luxury brands and delve deep into consumer minds analyzing the cause and effect, the influence and impact of the innate zeal towards indulgence in conspicuous consumption. Realization and Results: In the process of the extensive research study it is gradually observed and assessed that the exclusivity marketing trend in effect is evolving the consumer perceptions and preferences towards a universal, more globalized outlook. In reality, the luxury brands which strategizes on specialized and more personalized marketing orientation – they not only identify and establish the permutations and combinations of developing a successful brand but also connect the celebrities with the people from around the world and reduce a global cultural unity unified with the brand image. This chapter scrutinizes and surveys the entire analysis and inspection in addition to assessing the background in regards to the impact of exclusive marketing strategies with the help of both secondary and primary data, which is elaborated in details in the Analysis section. This chapter expands on the ‘Invitation Only Marketing’ exploring on the consumer conception on conspicuous consumption – in the process finalizing on the driving force and critically pointing out the advantages of luxury branding and marketing strategies. Â
Saturday, November 2, 2019
EasyJet Airline Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
EasyJet Airline Company - Essay Example The timeline of EasyJet Airline reportedly started in March of 1995 as founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou was noted to have offered flights at significantly low fares in Europe. Currently,it boasts of being â€Å"Europe's leading airline,operating on over 600 routes across 30 countries with our fleet of over 200 aircraft, employing over 8,000 people In its almost 18 years of organizational existence, EasyJet was noted to have been governed by a code of conduct to guide the behavior and decision-making processes of its personnel. The paper hereby presents a critical evaluation of the code of EasyJet Airline through a description of the code and by thoroughly assessing the code’s effectiveness in demonstrating the company’s values and conformity to business ethics. Critical Analysis of the Code The organization’s code was found under the title Governance on their official website: Upon initial gl ance, the governance page contains information that indicates that the organization’s board of directors commissioned setting principles and ethical policies, of which, it was explicitly emphasized that the â€Å"key to these principles is working in an open and honest manner†(EasyJet Airline, Governance, n.d., par. 2). Likewise, the code was apparently patterned from the UK Corporate Governance Code which allegedly requires the following information to be disclosed:†¢ Terms of reference for the Finance Committee†¢Terms of reference for the Remuneration Committee... ance Committee Terms of reference for the Remuneration Committee Terms of reference for the Audit Committee Terms of reference for the Nominations Committee Terms and conditions of appointment / reappointment of the non- executive directors Matters reserved for the Board Non-Audit Services Policy (EasyJet Airline, Governance, n.d., par. 3). Finally, two (2) other documents were disclosed to be incorporated and accessible: (1) Corporate Governance Pages of the Annual Report; and (2) division of responsibilities of the Chairman and CEO (EasyJet Airline, Governance, n.d., par. 4). The Corporate Governance Pages of the 2012 Annual Report are found on pages 44 to 48 and contain the following major portions, to wit: principles statement, statement of compliance, leadership, directors’ conflicts of interest, board engagement with investors, board committees, relations with investors, internal control, risk management and internal audit (EasyJet, Corporate governance, 2012). T he Ethics Resource Center has recommended a code outline that should apparently contain the following format: I.   MEMORABLE TITLE II.  LEADERSHIP LETTER III. TABLE OF CONTENTS IV.  INTRODUCTION-PROLOGUE V.  CORE VALUES OF ORGANIZATION VI. CODE PROVISIONS-SUBSTANTIVE MATTERS VII.  INFORMATION AND RESOURCES (Ethics Resource Center, 2009, p. 1). From the course modules, it was explicitly defined that the contents of ethical codes are as follows: â€Å"standard of conduct, obeying the law, employees,consumers, shareholders, business partners, community involvement, public activities, environment, innovation, competition, business integrity, and compliance/monitoring†(University of Salford Manchester, What is the content of ethical codes?, 2012, p. 6; Crane and Matten, 2007).
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